Joto Sake with Henry Sidel

In order preference.

1.  Watari Bune Junmai Daiginjo (720ml) $108 A+ -24 *** 072506

2.  Watari Bune Junmai Ginjo (720ml) $46 A+ -4 **

3.  Taiheikai Tokubetsu Junmai (720ml) $32 A- -6 *

4.  Karoyaka Junmai Ginjo (720ml) $42 A -16

5.  Shichi Hon Yari Junmai Ginjo (720ml) $35 A- -7

6.  Shichi Hon Yari Junmai (720ml) $43 A- -25

7.  Yuki No Bosha Junmai Ginjo $33 B+ -12

8.  Fukamari Junmai $34 B+ -9

9.  Kasumi Tsuru Kimoto Extra Dry $25 B+ -4

Joto Sake

~ by GoodTasteReport on July 26, 2006.

One Response to “Joto Sake with Henry Sidel”

  1. I hope that Henry Sidel formerly of the Taft School in Watertown Ct (high School) are one in the same. This is your old buddy Mastin Combs just extending the warmest congratulations to you for your business enterprise and wish you the best of luck. Email me and tell me whats going on if you wouod like:

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